Feud for Thought
Feud for Thought is a social medium that helps users identify and solve their differences of opinion.
It all started when my wife turned towards me one afternoon as we were watching some news, and said: "You know, I was right all 2016". So I thought there had to be a way to keep a tally of our arguments and debates. Thus, the concept of feud was born.
A feud is a debate between two users - initially there were only two anyway - and it consists of a name, a claim and an end date. It works like this: someone (we call him “proponent”) starts a feud by proposing a name, a claim and an end date to the other person; the other party (known as “opponent”) has to agree with the name, agree to oppose the claim and agree on the end date of the whole affair (the opponent can ask for changes to any of these initial terms and then it’s the proponent’s turn to either agree or propose new changes, and so on); once the terms are agreed upon, the feud becomes active and the two parties will try to convince each other to concede by the end date in order to win.
Feud for Thought was initially named Tally and it only had the two users it was originally intended for. It was fun to use, but its biggest flaw quickly became apparent: my wife would not concede! The solution was to bring other opinions to bear and the way we chose to implement it was with other users’ votes. Which meant the app had to become a fully fledged social media experience, where people would feud one-on-one and others would vote if they had an opinion on the matter. This is also when its name changed to "Feud for Thought”.
Therefore, Feud for Thought allows users to register an account, set up various profile elements, add and block users, follow other users to get their publicly available content, challenge their friends to feuds, vote, like and share other users' feuds and even engage in feuds with random other users through a special type of feud called an open feud.
Of course, since this is now a platform where one's feuds with someone could potentially be viewed by every other user, Feud for Thought offers the possibility of hiding the proponent's and opponent's respective profiles by means of another element to a feud: anonymity. When creating a new feud, the two parties have to now agree whether the feud should be public or private (private feuds still get voted on and appear in searches, but the involved users' profile cannot be accessed by third parties through the feud screen. If a feud is public, the protagonists' profiles are accessible to others and this constitutes a good avenue for potential followers to flock someone's banners!